Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

Selamat Hari Raya

Assalamualaikum....Pada hari ini saya ingin menceritakan tentang Hari Raya Aidilfitri...Hari raya aidifitri akan dissambut selepas sebulan umat islam berpuasa di bulan ramadhan,semua orang suka Hari Raya aidifitri,,termasuk juga saya sendiri...Di pagi hari raya kita akan ke masjid untuk menunaikan sembahyang sunat hari raya aidilfitri,tetapi sebahagian orang juga berada dirumah untuk menyediakan makanan dan minuman....Kebiasaannya juga pada hari raya kanak-kanak akan menerima sampul surat yang berisi wang sepertimana ianya biasa dipanggil "ampau"....jadi itu sahaja lah yang saya dapat ceritakan kepada kamu semua...Terima kasih kerana membaca blog saya.

Exam =)

 Today I want to tel u top 3 last minute revision tips....

1 Go public
Make a detailed revision timetable on a large piece of paper (A3 at least) and post it up somewhere that everyone can see it. That way, everyone knows what you are meant to be studying and when. Strangely enough, letting other people know your plans actually lightens the load, because then it's not just down to you to motivate yourself. Rather like getting married, you feel more committed to your vows if a lot of people have seen you make them at the wedding.
2 Catch the worm
Just like those wriggling soil-dwellers, facts are at their most available and digestible first thing in the morning. Start at 9am, and you can get the bulk of your revision done early, so you don't spend the rest of the day feeling crushed under the weight of unread A4 folders.
3 Ask questions of yourself
Facts are sluggish, passive creatures and lie piled up inside your head, without giving off any signs of life. You can, however, awaken them through the power of questions. So when you're making notes, don't just write down "The Battle of Naseby was fought in 1645"; instead, put "When was the Battle of Naseby?" in one column, and write "1645" in an opposite column. Cover up the answer and each time you get it right, you'll feel a small, pixie-like pat on the back

Hari Raya Aidifitri Celebration

Assalamualaikum...Hye,,today i would like to tell you about Hari Raya celebration....Hari Raya Aidilfitri is celebrated by all Muslims throughout the world to mark the end of the month of Ramadan, a month of fasting and consecration. This usually week long celebration will be condensed into a morning of feasting and show of traditional Malay and Muslim culture.

     All Malaysians welcome this as a time to enjoy good traditional Malay food. This year, we will encourage all Muslim students to do mass cooking and bring together all the food to be enjoyed. This is because Muslims can only consume food of halal standard. The harmony in the diverse Malaysian community is only possible through the mutual respect and understanding of others’ believes and practices.

    We again encourage all members and Queen’s students to come and join us in sampling what is just a facet in the multicultural Malaysian community.